Northwood Hockey League Powered by Goalline Sports Administration Software







2024-2025 ANNUAL END OF SEASON BANQUET AWARDS (April 5th, 2025)

The 2024-2025 Northwood Hockey League Year-End Banquet will be held Saturday, April 5th, 2025 at The Superior Inn.

The 2024-2025 Northwood Hockey League
Year-End Banquet will be held
Saturday, April 5th, 2025
at The Superior Inn.

Doors open at 5:00pm
Dinner served at 6:00pm (Kids friendly menu and off course... ice cream)
Award and presentation to follow.

Banquet ticket pricing will be as follows:
Players:FREE (still need a ticket).
Adults, Guests: $50 each (One adult must be in attendance with the player).
Children under 4: Free (still need a ticket).
Coaches, Executive Members: Free (still need a ticket)

How to purchase tickets:
Tickets will not be available at the door.

Please see your team manager to purchase and pick up tickets.
Please also tell your team manager how many free tickets you need as we need a final count.


**We are looking for volunteers to work the raffle tables
from 5-6pm at the Banquet.
Please contact our Event Coordinator at 

if you can volunteer **


We are once again collecting a items to put together for fantastic baskets raffle prizes. Each team has a theme for their basket. Talk to your team manager and give generously. 

The year end baskets have always been a great success,  and help offset our registration costs for next season! 


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